Setting Goals

DSCN4143I just finished reading Chris Tyrell Loranger’s editorial in the February issue of the Opus Art Supplies “Visual Arts Newsletter”. I found it was a very timely topic: “Making Resolutions Work”. I recently made myself a number of goals in my art life that I want to work towards. Now this sure isn’t the first time I’ve made goals, some have been reached, but recently, many haven’t. In his article Chris goes over a number of points but the one that caught my attention concerns disclosure “…It is this involvement with others that leads to my second point: disclosure. Telling your friends and colleagues, writing on your wall on Facebook, or Tweeting about your (carefully developed) goals is a vital part of a successful resolution or pledge. Your friends provide support, direction, encouragement, and reward. Resolutions or pledges that are not shared are secrets and easy to abandon. But disclosed resolutions are far more successful. Whereas it takes a lot of time and hard work to find the right artists with whom to exhibit and together develop a compelling artist statement, it is easy to disclose. All you have to do is make a few calls, write a post, or contact a few friends.”
I’ve started this process by telling some friends and family some of the ideas I’m working on, but I figure it’s time to push ahead and take more of a risk and say them out loud so to speak. So, here goes:
– create a blog/website with galleries of my art
-finish some pieces of art that have been hanging around for way too long
-finish creating and framing art for my “Birds, Bones & Butterflies” show idea & find somewhere to show it
-create some products to sell on my website
Stay tuned for progress reports……
Anyone else have goals they would like to disclose?

2 thoughts on “Setting Goals

  1. Great plan Liisa. If I could get caught up with commisions I would like to do some art for fun and try new techniques and materials.

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